Age Guidelines

We believe that everyone can benefit from being a member of the Y, and we also believe that growing bodies need special guidance! 

Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian, or sibling who is at least 16 years of age, at all times while visiting the Y unless attending an organized program. Organized programs include all instructional classes and Stay & Play (use of the gym or pool is not considered an organized program). 

  • Parents/guardians must remain in the gym with their children; parents may not be on the walking track while their children are in the gym.
  • Youth under the age of 5 are only allowed on the walking track if carried in a front or back infant/child body carrier.
  • Youth ages 5 to 11 years old may utilize the walking track with a parent or guardian (including a sibling 16 years or older).
  • Youth ages 9 to 11 may use the cardio equipment with a parent/guardian who is within arm’s reach. Youth must complete a Wellness Orientation before using the cardio equipment, and youth must wear an armband – bands are available at the Welcome Desk.
  • Youth 12 years or older may utilize the walking track without parent/guardian supervision.
  • Youth 12 years or older may visit the Y without a parent/guardian and have access to designated areas.
  • Youth ages 12 – 13 may use the Wellness Center after completing a Wellness Orientation (both youth and parent must be present at orientation) and a parent/guardian must accompany the youth while using the equipment.
  • Youth ages 15 and under may not use the whirlpool at any time.